Avoiding Buyer’s Remorse in Real Estate: Follow the "H.O.M.E.S." Strategy

Avoiding Buyer’s Remorse in Real Estate: Follow the "H.O.M.E.S." Strategy

  • A KlopasStratton blog by: Bridget Chambers, Life Coach, Writer
  • 09/16/24

Imagine: you’re in a store and see a garment you just must purchase. You circle the perimeter of the store weighing the cost of said garment versus the value you will find in it over time. You go back and forth in your mind, ultimately deciding that you can think of several occasions and places that would be made better by that garment. You bring it home, and over time, realize you were right. Success! Now imagine that same scenario – except that you only like it half as much. Something about it allures you, but you doubt it holds a long-term place in your closet. You splurge and buy it anyway. You then  bring it home, only to realize that it doesn't quite work for you in real life. It is wrong in all the places that matter. You stare at it in your closet time and time again, never quite finding the right “fit” for your world. Both of these scenarios follow a universal truth: you will never like something quite as much as you like it the first time you see it. 

Human psychology would lend itself to the belief that even with hefty purchases life real estate, the same notion can be true. Buying real estate is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make, and the stakes are high. Whether you're purchasing your first home, an investment property, or a vacation spot, the last thing you want is to experience the ever-dreaded buyer’s remorse. 

This begs the imperative question: How do you avoid that nagging feeling of doubt once you've signed the papers? 

The answer lies in the H.O.M.E.S. strategy, a simple but effective approach to ensure you make a sound real estate investment.

Let’s break down H.O.M.E.S. and see how it can help you navigate the complex world of real estate with confidence.

H: Hire a Trusted Real Estate Agent


Navigating the real estate market without expert help can leave you vulnerable to overpaying, missing red flags, or overlooking better options. A skilled real estate agent (like the savants at KlopasStratton) will act as your guide, helping you find properties that fit your needs and budget. They’ll also provide valuable insights into local market trends and potential future developments that could impact the property’s value.


Pro Tip: Look for agents who are knowledgeable about the area and come highly recommended, or who have specialized certifications like CRS (Certified Residential Specialist) or ABR (Accredited Buyer’s Representative).


O: Observe the Location and Neighborhood


In real estate, location is everything. No matter how perfect a house seems, its location can make or break your satisfaction down the road. When touring potential homes, observe the neighborhood carefully:


Proximity to essentials: Check the distance to schools, public transportation, hospitals, grocery stores, and other amenities.

Neighborhood dynamics: Is the area safe? Are there nearby construction projects that could disrupt your peace? What’s the local community like—friendly or distant?

Understanding the broader environment ensures you’re not just buying a home, but a lifestyle.


M: Mind Your Budget


It’s easy to fall in love with a property that stretches your budget, but financial overreach is one of the leading causes of buyer’s remorse in real estate. Calculate all the costs involved—mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and HOA fees (if applicable). Be sure that even if unforeseen expenses arise, your monthly payments won’t leave you in financial stress.


Pro Tip: Get pre-approved for a mortgage before house hunting. This will help you focus on properties within your price range and avoid falling for something you can’t afford.


E: Examine the Property Thoroughly


Before making an offer, it’s crucial to scrutinize the property’s condition. Hire a professional home inspector to uncover potential issues such as faulty wiring, plumbing problems, or structural defects. Also, consider future maintenance—some older homes may have charming features but could also come with costly repairs down the line.


Pro Tip: Don’t skip on specialized inspections, like checking for mold, radon, or termites, depending on the area you’re buying in. These hidden issues can cause major headaches—and expenses—later on.


S: Study the Market Trends

Understanding the local real estate market helps ensure you’re making a smart investment. Look into whether the market is a buyer’s or seller’s market, current property values, and future projections. Consider factors like interest rates, local job growth, and upcoming infrastructure projects, which could either boost or diminish the value of the property over time.

Pro Tip: Work with your agent to analyze comparable sales (comps) in the area. These will show you the fair market value for properties similar to the one you’re interested in, helping you avoid overpaying.

Closing the Deal with Confidence

At the end of the day, buying a home is more than just a transaction—it’s an investment in your future and your lifestyle. By following the H.O.M.E.S. strategy, you’re not just picking out a property, you’re building a foundation for years of happiness, security, and peace of mind. Like any big decision, it requires thoughtful consideration, smart planning, and a bit of vision. So as you embark on your real estate journey, remember: a home isn’t just where you live, it’s where you thrive. Stick to the principles of H.O.M.E.S., and you’ll walk through that front door with confidence, knowing you’ve made a decision you can be proud of—for today and for the years to come.


Catch us back here bi-weekly as we bring you curated and Chicago-based real estate content (with a life coach’s twist). Next up: Need to end the summer with something sweet? Start here: Savoring the Last Days of Summer: Get One Final Scoop This September!

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Partners Sophia Klopas and Jason Stratton are a brother and sister team who have been in the Illinois real estate market for over twenty years. Together they offer complementary skill sets and professional expertise that make KlopasStratton truly unique.

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